Membership Benefits
SDSCA Membership...
Promotes professional and personal growth necessary to maintain a healthy and involved membership across the state of South Dakota of active and empowered school counselors.
Advocates for the role and program of school counselors to be seen as an integral part of the educational process at the local, state, and national levels including involvement in government relations.
Provides quality continuing educational programming through conferences and workshops including leadership training.
Provides networking and a support systems including mentoring programs.
Provides public relations programming and materials as well as informative newsletters.
Recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of professional school counseling.
Maintains a professional partnership with the American School Counselor Association as the South Dakota State Chartered Division.
Maintains an SDSCA members-only listserv. Members can discuss with one another, issues in their schools with privacy and security. Only SDSCA members can join - therefore, you know you are talking with other professionals. Please go to the listserv page to learn more.
Membership Categories
Professional Membership:
Professional members must hold a Master's degree or higher in counseling or a substantial equivalent.
These members must also meet one or more of the following:
Be credentialed as a school counselor by the state.
Be employed as a school counselor or supervisor of school counselors.
Be employed as a counselor educator in a graduate program that prepares school counselors.
Retired Membership:
Members in retirement shall have all of the privileges of Professional membership.
Student Membership:
A Student Member must be engaged in a planned program of counselor education designed to result in a Masters degree or higher in Counseling. Once the student receives their degree in counseling, he or she must become a Professional Member. Student Members shall have all of the privileges of Professional membership.
Affiliate and Allied Memberships:
An individual or business interested in supporting the goals of SDSCA, but does not qualify for one of the other memberships.
Contact the Membership Chair at